Project Setup


Import Fractal SDK package

Manual Installation

  1. Download the latest release of the Fractal SDK for Unity. (opens in a new tab)
  2. Import the .unitypackage file into your Unity game using the local asset package import (opens in a new tab) process.
  3. Optionally select the Scenes folder to check out our reference implementation.

Once you're set up and if your project targets a standalone build, move on to authentication setup. If you are developing WebGL title, follow the steps below to set up a connection between the authentication popup and your game.

Imporing Fractal SDK assets

Asset Store Installation

Fractal Unity SDK is not yet published in the Unity Asset Store. Please follow the manual installation.

WebGL Player Setup

This section applies only if your project targets WebGL. Fractal SDK will authenticate players using a popup with direct callbacks to your game instance. This template will also ensure your game can be embeded to Fractal "Launch Game" section with automatic authentication.
  1. Make sure your projects contain Plugins and WebGL Templates folder imported from the Fractal SDK package. These folders include the necessary extensions to handle the web browser's authentication popups.

  2. In Build Settings > Player Settings, select FractalSDK as your WebGL Template.