Working With Launcher
Access Codes

Manage Game Access Codes

Fractal Launcher has support for gating your game through access codes.

This is useful for games that are in development and you want to keep private. You can also use this feature to gate your game to a specific audience, such as a closed beta.

How to Use

To set up access codes, go to FStudio (opens in a new tab) and click on the game you want to setup access codes for.

  1. Under Launcher click on Access Codes.
  2. Then enable Require Access Codes.
Access Codes

Add a New Access Code

To add a new access code, click on Add New.

Add a code you want to use and optionally set a limit for how many people can use that code.

New access codes

When you are done, click Create Access Code

It should now show up in the list of access codes.

Enabled Access Code

Archive an Access Code

When you no longer need an access code, you can archive it. This will remove it from the list of access codes.

Hover over an access code and click on the Archive button.

Archive Access Code